The Friends of Bowie Nature Park accepts donations. 100% of your donation will be used to benefit the Park.
Your financial assistance is vital to enable us to pursue long-term goals such as hiring a coordinator to oversee projects.
We accept several different Donation types:
Standard - a Donation for the betterment of the Park
In Honor Of - a Donation Honoring a special person
In Memory Of - a Donation in Memory Of a deceased person
Donation Levels:
Redbud - $50
Dogwood - $100
Tulip Poplar - $250
Loblolly - $500
Other - $___
Please fill out the form below with your name and email address. If the Donation is In Honor or Memory Of please put the person's name(s) in the Information field. If you wish to have us send an acknowledgement card, please include the name and address (in the same field) to whom you would like it sent. Then click the Send Information button regardless of how you desire to pay for the Donation. This will send us all the necessary information to handle your request. If an Acknowledgement is desired no action will be taken until the Donation is received. If done online, PayPal will notify us of the donation.
If paying online, you must then click the Donate button in the left box below.
Thank you for your support. Your contribution is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Donation Form
To Donate:
All donations online will be processed by PayPal which accepts PayPal accounts or credit cards. To make a donation online, click on the Donate button on below. You will be brought to the Friends PayPal website to complete the transaction.
Donations to Friends of Bowie Nature Park

To Donate:
By mail:
Make checks payable to:
Friends of Bowie Nature Park
Friends of Bowie Nature Park
P.O. Box 232
Fairview TN 37062
In Person:
Connect with a Board member by clicking HERE.